Tuesday, February 1, 2011

News from Mesir ; 28th Jan n 29th Jan 201

Rakyat Mesir telah bangkit..

In this still image taken from video, Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak addresses the nation on Egyptian state TV in Cairo January 28, 2011. Mubarak called for dialogue and said he would name a new government on January 29, 2011.
In this still image taken from video, Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak addresses the nation on Egyptian state TV in Cairo January 28, 2011. Mubarak called for dialogue and said he would name a new government on January 29, 2011.
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 28: In this handout image provided by the White House, U.S. President Barack Obama (R) talks on the phone with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt as Vice President Joe Biden (L) and the President's National Security team listen in the background in the Oval Office January 28, 2011 in Washington, DC. Obama spoke to Mubarak after Mubarak appeared on television and ordered his ministers to resign, but did not offer to resign himself in the wake of widespread protests in Egypt.
WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 28: In this handout image provided by the White House, U.S. President Barack Obama (R) talks on the phone with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt as Vice President Joe Biden (L) and the President’s National Security team listen in the background in the Oval Office January 28, 2011 in Washington, DC. Obama spoke to Mubarak after Mubarak appeared on television and ordered his ministers to resign, but did not offer to resign himself in the wake of widespread protests in Egypt.
US President Barack Obama makes a statement on the situation in Egypt on January 28, 2011 in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC. Obama called on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to take concrete steps towards political reform, and to refrain from using violence against protesters. In the background is a portrait of 16th US President Abraham Lincoln.
US President Barack Obama makes a statement on the situation in Egypt on January 28, 2011 in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC. Obama called on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to take concrete steps towards political reform, and to refrain from using violence against protesters. In the background is a portrait of 16th US President Abraham Lincoln.
A woman shouts anti-Mubarak slogans during a protest rally organized by the Egyptian Association for Change in the U.S. (EAC-USA) in front of the White House in Washington January 28, 2011. The United States increased pressure on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Friday to institute reforms, urging the government to view its people as "a partner" not a threat during unprecedented protests in Cairo.
A protester gestures in front of riot police during a demonstration in Cairo January 28, 2011. Police and demonstrators fought running battles on the streets of Cairo on Friday in a fourth day of unprecedented protests by tens of thousands of Egyptians demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak's three-decade rule.
CAIRO, EGYPT - JANUARY 28:  Police gather in Tahrir Square as a car burns on January 28, 2011 in Cairo, Egypt. Thousands of police are on the streets of the capital. Hundreds of arrests have been made in an attempt to quell demonstrations.
Smoke covers the sky during clashes between police and protesters in Suez January 28, 2011. Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak said he was committed to economic and political reform and was determined to secure the stability of Egypt in a televised address to the nation after a day of anti-government protests.
Protesters shout anti-Mubarak slogans during a protest rally organized by the Egyptian Association for Change in the U.S. (EAC-USA) in front of the White House in Washington January 28, 2011. The United States increased pressure on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Friday to institute reforms, urging the government to view its people as "a partner" not a threat during unprecedented protests in Cairo.
Protesters shout anti-Mubarak slogans during a protest rally organized by the Egyptian Association for Change in the U.S. (EAC-USA) in front of the White House in Washington January 28, 2011. The United States increased pressure on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Friday to institute reforms, urging the government to view its people as “a partner” not a threat during unprecedented protests in Cairo.
In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, demonstrators climb up armored vehicles after clashes calmed down at Square Tahrir in Cairo, capital of Egypt, early Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011. Dozens of tanks entered the square, while protestors welcomed the army and waved to the soldiers standing on tanks, Xinhua said.
In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, demonstrators climb up armored vehicles after clashes calmed down at Square Tahrir in Cairo, capital of Egypt, early Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011. Dozens of tanks entered the square, while protestors welcomed the army and waved to the soldiers standing on tanks, Xinhua said.

Mubarak arah Kabinet Mesir letak jawatan

29/01/2011 10:40am
KAHERAH: Presiden Hosni Mubarak yang muncul pertama kali selepas tercetus demonstrasi besar-besaran sejak empat hari lalu, berkata beliau sudah mengarahkan agar Kabinet dibubarkan dan memberi jaminan melakukan reformasi.
Bagaimanapun, Mubarak masih mempertahankan tindakan polis mematahkan rusuhan oleh ribuan penunjuk perasaan yang mula melakukan keganasan.
Penampilan Mubarak itu dilaporkan susulan beliau menerima kritikan hebat oleh pemimpin dunia, termasuk Presiden Barrack Obama yang mengancam akan mengurangkan dana bantuan antarabangsa bernilai AS$1.5 bilion kepada Mesir sekiranya beliau menggunakan kekerasan terhadap penunjuk perasaan.
Dengan wajah yang muram, Mubarak yang muncul di kaca televisyen negara itu, awal hari ini berkata, protes antikerajaan itu adalah ‘sebahagian daripada perancangan untuk mengucar-kacirkan kestabilan dan keamanan’ dalam sistem politik negara itu.
Penunjuk perasaan mahu pentadbiran selama lebih 30 tahun Mubarak berakhir selepas kerajaan gagal menyelesaikan kemiskinan di negara yang mempunyai 80 juta penduduk itu.
Mereka menuntut supaya sistem demokrasi di negara itu lebih lancar dan mahu kerajaan memerangi masalah pengangguran, kemiskinan dan rasuah.
Beliau berkata, penunjuk perasaan dibenar menyatakan pandangan mereka tetapi jangan menggunakan keganasan dan merosakkan harta benda awam sehingga polis terpaksa bertindak.
“Keganasan tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah yang kita hadapi, sebaliknya marilah kita lebih objektif.
“Saya tidak akan teragak-agak untuk membuat keputusan demi keselamatan setiap warga Mesir,” katanya. – AP
Sebenarnya rakyat Mesir Mahu Kamu letak Jawatan dan berambus dari Negara Mesir…Kamu yang menyebabkan Rakyat Mesir menderita di bawah sistem pemerintahan Kuku Besi… Kebangkitan rakyat sekarang tidak dapat disekat lagi sehingga kamu Berambusss..
A letter from frens studied in Mesir..ni saya hebahkan untuk makluman orang ramai..

Salam Ariff, saya Nadia, a student in Egypt.
Ariff, kini saya berada di Malaysia kerana pulang untuk winter break, but when I gothome, the condition in Egypt somehow got worse about the Hosni Mubarak thingy. Ramai yang sangka keadaan kat sana adalah okay, mengikut kata Jabatan Penuntut Kaherah Mesir dan Kedutaan Malaysia di sana, but there are parts that they don’t know:
Di tempat saya Mansoura, people got killed on the streets, houses are getting robbed and they are aiming to attack Malaysian students. There are about 6000 prisoners on the streets! Pelajar kita di Alexandria dirogol, airport dibakar dan anggota polis tidak lagi menjalankan tugas mereka.
Kita memohon supaya kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius hal ini. Bukan sahaja di Mansoura, malah di seluruh Mesir keselamatan rakyat kita terancam.
Segala update berkenaan keadaan di sana boleh dibaca melalui blog Krisis Mesir, Nasib Pelajar Kita
Jika ada cadangan di luar sana untuk membantu kami mendapatkan perhatian kerajaan Malaysia, sila hubungi Nurul Nadia Binti Md Zin di 017-3193923
Atau melalui:
Facebook: Nuvul Nadiva Dizavch
Twitter: DyyaDizarch
Blog: Nadia-ism
YM: nadia_mdzin2001@yahoo.com
Please let all Malaysians know about this. I will do the same but I need your help too especially to all the bloggers out there. May Allah save our citizens there.
- Nadia